Presented by Professor Bhushan Kumar
Former Chief of Dermatology at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Hot Spots in Dermatology
August 17 – 19, 2018
Abstract: Leprosy, now an uncommon disease of low infectivity is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is rare in the western world and is mostly seen in immigrants from endemic areas. It affects mainly the skin and the nerves. The cutaneous lesions vary widely from macular to papular, papulo-nodular and nodulo-plaques covering large areas of the body. So the dermatological diseases which need to be differentiated vary widely, having lesions which may resemble any of these morphological lesions. Occurrence of lepra reactions with systemic symptoms like fever, joint pains, eruption of painful nodules with neuritis involves the internist and neurologist as well. Trophic ulceration and deformities add another angle to the devastating sequalae but fortunately can be prevented with early detection and WHO recommended MDT.