Onychomadesis is the spontaneous, complete shedding of the nail from its proximal side, without pain or inflammation, following nail matrix arrest.
Brian Maurer, a pediatric practitioner, recently saw a 5-year-old boy with a two-week history of nail shedding. The child had antecedent Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Nail shedding has been described as a sequela to HFM Disease.
To access Mr. Maurer’s excellent case report please click “HFM Nails”
1. A Clinical Study of Nail Changes Occurring Secondary to Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: Onychomadesis and Beau’s Lines. Shin JY, Cho BK, Park HJ. Ann Dermatol. 2014 Apr;26(2):280-3. Free Open Access
From: Onychomadesis: A common sequalae and concern for patients after Hand Foot and Mouth Disease: Pediatric Infectious Disease Blog.