“Not many physicians have a disease named after them. Tomisaku (“Tomi”) Kawasaki, who has died in June 2020 at the age of 95, was one of the few. Kawasaki disease, a rare inflammatory autoimmune disorder found in young children, is his namesake. In recent months, this syndrome has been in the global media spotlight as pediatricians discuss its similarity to the complications of covid-19 in children.”
The October 16, 2020 issue of the British Medical Journal has a moving obituary of this humble, but iconic pediatrician. A pdf of the BMJ obituary is attached below.

‘Dr. Kawasaki’s determination paid off to help others. His keenness to pursue what he felt in his gut was something new and unexplored helped to put a name on something. My question is, is there a cure for this disorder or is there only options for treating the symptoms? Also, did any of his 3 children become doctors?’
Take care.
Marla Lukofsky