AMA Board — 2021

follow site From CMS OpenPayments There are twenty American Medical Association Board members as of September, 2021. Their total reimbursement, as gleaned from the CMS OpenPayments site, is recorded in the Table below. Only one member, an orthopedist, received any significant monies from Industry. Many orthopedists have done research on devices and significant General and Research payments are received by orthopedists, neurosurgeons and some other specialties. It is likely that the AMA has made an effort to keep its board free of members with troubling COI.

Tramadol Online Prescription                        General        Research       Total                       

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  2500 0 2500 SC C FP
  450 0 450 CA A Derm
  5200 0 5200 TX C Al/I
  1125 0 1125 KY C ORL
  2324 0 2300 OH C OBG
  100 0 100 MI C ORL
  0 0 0 GA C IM
  3000 0 0 TX C Plastics
  0 0 0 AR C RAD
  4200 0 0 CA C OPH
  23,000 500 23,500 FL C OBG
  67 0 67 MD C IM
  2500 0 2500 WI A Anes
  0 0 0 CA * Student
  0 0 0 CT Res OBG
  0 0 0 MD C IM
  1200 0 1200 NY C Geri
  0 0 0 MA C Card
  0 0 0 SC A PhD
  203,000 137,000 340,000 PA A Ortho
  12000 0 12000 NY A Urol
Totals $260,666 $137,500 $390,942      
Mean 12,400 6500 16,200      
Median 1125 0 1125      

go here Column 6. C = Clinical practice; A= Academic practice
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About David Elpern

The Online Journal of Community and Person-Centered Dermatology (OJCPCD) is a free, full text, open-access, online publication that addresses all aspects of skin disease that concern patients, their families, and practitioners. ​It was founded in 2012 by Dr. David J. Elpern, M.D. in Williamstown, MA. with technical help from Inez Tan.

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