Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) Decision Aid

click here The question of whether to undergo a SLN biopsy for melanoma is a difficult one.  It is clear that some experts recommend it while others don’t.  If you live in Boston you will be told one thing.  If you live in Montreal you’ll be told another. Where does that leave a patient? In England the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) provides decision aids for many conditions. Here is their SLN Decision Aid for melanoma.  Please give it thought and discuss it with your dermatologist or surgeon.  The decision is really up to you.  It boils down to “What Matters To You.”

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About David Elpern

The Online Journal of Community and Person-Centered Dermatology (OJCPCD) is a free, full text, open-access, online publication that addresses all aspects of skin disease that concern patients, their families, and practitioners. ​It was founded in 2012 by Dr. David J. Elpern, M.D. in Williamstown, MA. with technical help from Inez Tan.

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