My Goals in Medicine by James W. Foong

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James Foong Goals

Order Tramadol Cod Online James Foong (right) at medical school in Malaysia

click I was asked to present this topic to a group of physicians and researchers at a medical conference in West Vancouver, British Columbia. What can I offer them that they do not already know? I felt that my talk could seem very self-centered, arrogant even. Such were my insecurities but out of sheer necessity, I began organizing my thoughts in an orderly manner for the presentation. What I realized was that the very reason we’re in this field gets lost amidst our hectic lives and the daily struggles that make us lose sight of our goals. Every once in a while, we may need a reminder to put us back on the right path.

click See: My Goals in Medicine Essay

source site You can contact James Foong at JWF Email.

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