Hot Spots 2.0 Syllabus

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see This is the syllabus for the 2015 Hot Spots 2.0 program.  Links to the talks are included for those presentations that the authors wish to share.

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go site It is fitting to begin with Osler, a Canadian, who wrote: “No class of men needs friction so much as physicians; no class gets less. The daily round of a busy practitioner tends to develop an egoism of a most intense kind, to which there is not antidote. The few setbacks are forgotten, the mistakes are often buried, and then years of successful work tend to make a man touchy, dogmatic, intolerant of correction, and abominably self- centered. To this mental attitude the medical society is the best corrective, and a man misses a good part of his education who does not get knocked about a bit by his colleagues in discussions and criticisms.” I don’t think anyone gets “knocked about” any longer; and the World Congress of Dermatology that begins on June 7, 2015 is mostly a big show for Industry and the strutting of the self-proclaimed lions of the integument.

go For a few hours today, here in West Vancouver, we will celebrate friendship based on our mutual interests and ignore the halls of power and promotion that are subsidized by PhRMA and device makers.

go here I hope this morning will be stimulating and enjoyable. Presentations:

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source link Elpern DJ. My Narrow Road Through Deep Cyber-Medicine.  Pdf: The Narrow Road Through Deep Cyber-Medicine Kelly, N. Creativity and the Medical Sciences Doc. File:  CREATIVITY and MEDICAL SCIENCES   Creativity arises from individual originality but is promoted or recognized within domains or fields.

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