Kahuku, Hawaii
August 17 – 19, 2018
Presentations in Alpha order by Speaker
Where Column # 4 has a “Y” the handout is at www.ojcpcd.com
Bintliff, Shay | surfdoc@aloha.net | On Retirement | Y |
Claypoole, Lauren | claypoole.lauren@gmail.com | A Student’s Introduction to Delusional Parasitosis | |
Dann, Frank | zitdoc@hotmail.com | As I’ve Seen it over Four Decades | |
Elpern, Dave | djelpern@gmail.com | Who Was Michael Balint? | Y |
Esaki, Paul | paulesaki@gmail.com | Flying solo with a complex patient | |
Glamb, Roman | rglamb@straub.net | Paraneoplastic Pemphigus a Platform to Bloviate | |
Goo, Alana | alanagoo@hawaii.edu | Flying solo with a complex patient | |
Ing, Malcolm | malcolmingmd@hotmail.com | Dr.Edmund Ing: Expertise and Community Service In Hawaii | Y |
Johnson, Douglas | dwj808@gmail.com | Western Samoa, 2018 | |
Johnson, Evan | ewjohn127@gmail.com | Navigating the Murky Waters of Legionella | |
Kamm, Lindsay | lindsay.kamm@gmail.com | My Lip Saga: From Panic to Peace | Y |
Karewicz, Mariana | marianna.karewicz@gmail.com | Metastatic Basal Cell | Y |
Katz, Alan | katz@hawaii.edu | Antibiotic resistant N. gonorrhoeae: an urgent public health threat | |
Kumar, Bhushan | kumarbhushan@hotmail.com | Non-venereal genital dermatoses | Y |
Kumar, Bhushan | kumarbhushan@hotmail.com | D/Dx of Dermatological diseases in relation to leprosy | Y |
Kumar, Bhushan | kumarbhushan@hotmail.com | Four Case Reports | Y |
Mann, Bob | bobvara@gmail.com | 25 years to Die | |
Rademaker, Marius | marius.rademaker@gmail.com | How I use isotretinoin | Y |
Rademaker, Marius | marius.rademaker@gmail.com | MTX for atopic eczema in the era of dupilumab | Y |
Rademaker, Marius | marius.rademaker@gmail.com | Isotretinoin: Beyond Acne and Ichthyosis | Y |
Reese, Vail | drvcr@earthlink.net | What’s in a Name? Controversies Regarding Herpesviridae Taxonomy | Y |
Reese, Vail | drvcr@earthlink.net | Dermatology in Cinema 2018 | Y |
Reizner, George | greizner@dermatology.wisc.edu | Travels With the ISD | |
Schoenfeld, Michael | mjschoenfeld@gmail.com | My 20 Year History with Skin Cancer | |
Schoenfeld, Michael | mjschoenfeld@gmail.com | Close Encounters with Overmedicalization | |
Webster, Michael | michaelrwebster@bigpond.com | Radiotherapy Update 2018 | Y |