Healing from the Inside Out

https://www.larochellevb.com/2024/01/31/yythml0i0nj https://ipaxcabinetsdirect.com/uncategorized/6cyr44w Leah Yudle's Healing Art https://nycfoodguy.com/2024/01/31/sepjxszg MY SKIN has always been my weakest organ—hives, rashes, welts, acne, and itchy skin in reaction to foods, animal dander, chemicals, bug bites, and toxic fumes. So when I noticed patches of dry, rough, red skin on my lower torso in my early 50s, I accepted them as yet another sign of being oily above the neck and dry below. As the patches grew in size and number, I slathered on myriad flavors of lotions. Since no physician remarked about them during exams, I assumed there was no need to be concerned. In late 1999, I saw a dermatologist for a wart and asked about the patches. She offhandedly said she could biopsy them. Unable to get more out of her, I decided it couldn’t be worth pursuing when she seemed so cavalier.


source site A year later, I visited another dermatologist about the same recurring wart (now gone). When I showed her my patches, she was straight with me, verbalizing her suspicion of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL)–mycosis fungoides (MF). She sensitively answered my questions, printed an article off the Web for me, and performed 2 biopsies. Her honesty, knowledge, and compassion told me I’d be in good hands.


https://comercialfuentes.com/zkehsmxhc9k This figure is Ms Yudle’s painting of her lymph system surrounded by her four healing colors, as envisioned in her guided visualizations during tanning treatments for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma–mycosis fungoides.


https://www.eastcotesignanddisplay.co.uk/a34wwa1otca Full article: Yudle Healing (pdf) or Yudle Healing (word file) https://feriadelavivienda.co/ciouq1tn Leah Yudle's Healing ArtNote: This essay was originally published in “The Art and the Calling” section of the Archives of Dermatology,  June 2002 enter site Healing From the Inside Out: One Person’s Path With Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma–Mycosis Fungoides by Leah Yudle.  Arch Dermatol. 2002;138(6):748-750

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