Little Green Pill

here by Madelyn Kamen He was there every day, Looking at her from the other side of the window, Smiling at her as she handed over his little green pill. He wasn’t that old and she wasn’t that young; Neither had ever married. She was a psychiatric nurse’s aide who understood the inmates Because she had been abused as a child, pulling into herself To avoid punishment. He was there because he had been bullied as a little boy, Making it a habit of staying away from the big guys who could Beat him up. Now, they were adults, albeit imperfect ones, who Occasionally would sit together on her coffee breaks … Continue reading

The Doctor, the Patient and 21st Century Medicine

go to site by Boluwaji Ogunyemi, M.D. Abstract: The public’s perception of the medical profession in Canada has suffered as a result of well-publicized cases of professional malpractice and large-scale healthcare system fiascos. In addition, there appears to be some tension in the regular interactions between physicians and patients. Specific cases of malpractice and healthcare scandals from the provinces of Newfoundland and Manitoba are described. From early in our clinical training, the adoption of a patient-centered paradigm for interactions between clinicians and patients can help to re-establish patient trust in the healthcare system. Medical school curricula and medical school admission requirements are systematically changing in a directional that places value on the appreciation … Continue reading

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