What Matters to Me: Investigations in a Dermatology Practice

Tramadol To Buy Nothing about me without me.  What Matters to Me: Investigations in a Dermatology Practice By Hope Mendez and David Elpern, M.D. The Skin Clinic, 12 Meadow St. Williamstown, MA 01267 Corresponding author: David Elpern djelpern@gmail.com Abstract: We surveyed 125 consecutive patients in a dermatology clinic in rural Massachusetts in the attempt to learn what matters most to them in their interactions with providers and the health care system. Keywords: patient-doctor communication, patients’ rights Introduction: We were first made aware of to this subject by a prescient article in the British Medical Journal by Sosena Kebede.1 When patients see providers they are rarely given the opportunity to communicate what they they … Continue reading Tramadol Online Next Day Delivery


Delusions of Infestation/Morgellons

https://etbscreenwriting.com/8aak7kaztp Presented at Hot Spots in Dermatologgy Kahuku, Hawaii August 18, 2018 by Lauren Claypoole, MS1, John A Burns School of Medicine (University of Hawaii) My presentation is called “Delusions of Parasitosis/Morgellons>  When I was at college, I was able to shadow a dermatologist for a month. He suggested I present two once-in-a-blue-moon cases that I observed at the clinic. Both patients taught me about the intricate crossover between the fields of dermatology and psychiatry, that I believe contributed significantly to my choice to be a psychology and neuroscience major shortly thereafter. Full Talk: Delusions of Parasitosis/Morgellons

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Hot Spots Presentations

Tramadol Overnight Delivery Visa     Kahuku, Hawaii August 17 – 19, 2018 Presentations in Alpha order by Speaker Where Column # 4 has a “Y” the handout is at www.ojcpcd.com Bintliff, Shay surfdoc@aloha.net On Retirement Y Claypoole, Lauren claypoole.lauren@gmail.com A Student’s Introduction to Delusional Parasitosis Dann, Frank zitdoc@hotmail.com As I’ve Seen it over Four Decades Elpern, Dave djelpern@gmail.com Who Was Michael Balint? Y Esaki, Paul paulesaki@gmail.com Flying solo with a complex patient Glamb, Roman rglamb@straub.net Paraneoplastic Pemphigus a Platform to Bloviate Goo, Alana alanagoo@hawaii.edu Flying solo with a complex patient Ing, Malcolm malcolmingmd@hotmail.com Dr.Edmund  Ing: Expertise and Community Service In Hawaii Y Johnson, Douglas dwj808@gmail.com Western Samoa, 2018 Johnson, Evan ewjohn127@gmail.com Navigating the … Continue reading


Hot Spots in Dermatology 2018 Syllabus

Online Doctor To Prescribe Tramadol August 17 – 19, 2018 Turtle Bay Resort Kahuku, Hawaii   Thursday, August 16: 6:00 pm.  Get together at The Johnson’s Cabana 6:00 Friday, August 17: 8:00 am Registration and Breakfast 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.  Plenary Sessions 8:30 – 9:20 a.m.  Clinical Pathological Cases (Marianna Karewicz, Kumar, Rademaker, and others) 9:20 – 9:30 Michael Webster. Radiotherapy Update 2018 9:30 – 10:00: Marius Rademaker.  “How I use isotretinoin” 10:00 – 10:30 Bhushan Kumar. “Non-venereal genital dermatoses” 10:30 – 10:45 Refreshment Break 10:45 – 11:15  Malcolm Ing. “Dr.Edmund  Ing: Expertise and Community Service In Hawaii” 11:15 – 11:45  Alan Katz “Antibiotic resistant N. gonorrhoeae: an urgent public health threat.” 11:45 – … Continue reading


The Differential Diagnosis of Dermatological Conditions in Relation to Leprosy

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/8vv3vtt2u9b Presented by Professor Bhushan Kumar Former Chief of Dermatology at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India Hot Spots in Dermatology August 17 – 19, 2018 Abstract: Leprosy, now an uncommon disease of low infectivity is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is rare in the western world and is mostly seen in immigrants from endemic areas. It affects mainly the skin and the nerves. The cutaneous lesions vary widely from macular to papular, papulo-nodular and nodulo-plaques covering large areas of the body. So the dermatological diseases which need to be differentiated vary widely, having lesions which may resemble any of these morphological lesions. Occurrence of lepra reactions … Continue reading


Non-Venereal Genital Dermatoses in Men

https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/vtwpm5l Presented by Professor Bhushan Kumar Former Chief of Dermatology at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India Hot Spots in Dermatology August 17 – 19, 2018 Abstract: Lesions on the genitalia either alone or as part of the general disease are common dermatological presentations. Majority of the lesions are non-venereal and are of great concern patients because of the importance of the “organ” involved. In addition the disease may bring in feelings of guilt, being unclean, related to STD and may even lead to marital discord. The lesions may only be physiological or benign abnormalities, inflammatory in nature, infections or part of the systemic disease. Only few diseases … Continue reading

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Michael Webster, Radiotherapy Update 2018

source url Radiotherapy Update 2018 What’s new? VMAT for treating large areas (whole arm,leg) for actinic keratoses/NMSC A treatment for Disseminated Actinic Porokeratosis ? VMAT Volumetric modulated arc therapy (Elektra) Delivers the radiotherapy treatment using a rotational or arc geometry rather than several static beams . Gantry motion,variable dose rate,movement of multileaf collimators Computerised planning using Ct scan allows treatment to be delivered to tumour with minimal exposure to adjacent tissues VMAT for skin Can be set to give radiation just to skin &  Subcutaneous tissue circumferentially (with minimal exposure to deeper tissues) allowing treatment of a whole limb ,scalp,or head & neck area. Genesis Care  is trialling this Rx for treatment … Continue reading

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Hot Spots Bhushan Kumar’s Case Presentations

https://www.inaxorio.com/9v4kw60l0 Case Presentations by Bhushan Kumar Dr. Bhushan Kumar is the Emeritus Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology at India’s Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh. As one of India’s finest and most respected dermatologists, Dr. Kumar has published over 100s 0f peer-reviewed papers, as well as many text books. 2018 Hot Spots in Dermatology These four cases can be accessed at: Hot Spots Handouts Cutaneous Tuberculosis Histoid Leprosy Post Kala Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis Secondary Syphilis in a 35 year old man These four cases can be accessed at: Hot Spots Handouts

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“My Lip Saga: The Path From Panic to Peace”

https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/3vnr872n Hot Spots in Dermamtology Kahuku Maui August 19, 2018 Presented by Lindsay Kamm ( Email ) My saga of suffering with cheilitis begins and ends with the delightful duty of playing with my grandsons in the pool and at the beach. During a ten-month period from June 2017 to April 2018, I saw eight health care providers at five locations. I had six prescriptions and tried countless over the counter remedies. At times, I felt desperate, disheartened, disappointed and full of fear. Thanks to modern medicine and the wonders of patch testing, I learned what I am not allergic to. Thanks to caring doctors, their expertise, and the courtesies they … Continue reading


Radiotherapy Update 2018

https://bxscco.com/g3y39amshw Presented by Dr. Michael Webster Melbourne, Australia Hot Spots in Dermatology August 17, 2018 What’s new? VMAT for treating large areas (whole arm,leg) for actinic keratoses/NMSC A treatment for Disseminated Actinic Porokeratosis ? VMAT Volumetric modulated arc therapy (Elektra) Delivers the radiotherapy treatment using a rotational or arc geometry rather than several static beams . Gantry motion,variable dose rate,movement of multileaf collimators Computerised planning using Ct scan allows treatment to be delivered to tumour with minimal exposure to adjacent tissues VMAT for skin Can be set to give radiation just to skin &  subcutaneous tissue circumferentially (with minimal exposure to deeper tissues) allowing treatment of a whole limb ,scalp,or head … Continue reading

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