From CMS OpenPayments There are twenty American Medical Association Board members as of September, 2021. Their total reimbursement, as gleaned from the CMS OpenPayments site, is recorded in the Table below. Only one member, an orthopedist, received any significant monies from Industry. Many orthopedists have done research on devices and significant General and Research payments are received by orthopedists, neurosurgeons and some other specialties. It is likely that the AMA has made an effort to keep its board free of members with troubling COI. General Research Total 2500 0 2500 SC C FP 450 0 450 CA A Derm 5200 0 5200 TX C … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2021
The world is on hold, my breath is on hold
by Dr P Ravi Shankar MBBS, MS, FAIMER Fellow * The world is on hold Towns once thronging with humansEmpty with the police maintaining the peaceMy steps resound noisily on the deserted sidewalksThe restaurants, cafes, and bars eerily empty My breath is on hold The virus has attacked my lungs I drown in my own fluids Each breath was a struggle, a gasp for air Talking to a fellow human’s a risk Always be mindful of the SOP Provide everyone their personal space Handshakes, high fives, physical contact Avoid, out of the question You sanitize everything in sight, left and right I am still in the ICU Tubes snake in … Continue reading