Attack of the POD People … EEEK ! (Don’t worry – the title is scary, but there’s a happy ending…) Abstract: This is one woman’s narrative of her experiences with perioral dermatitis (POD). In his film, Crimes And Misdemeanors, Woody Allen declares that comedy is tragedy plus time. While POD was not exactly a tragedy for me; it did, however, negatively affect me physically and emotionally six months of the year. In reading my attempts to ease the situation, feel free to laugh (or cry) both with me and at me! Keywords: perioral dermatitis, self-care, self-diagnosis, illness narrative, stress, grief, doxycycline, POD Note: This essay is better read in the … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Laser Tattoo Removal Helps Reformed Former White Supremacist Ex-con Shed Nazi Tattoos
Abstract: A dermatologist with a special interest and expertise in lasers works with an ex-con to help him gain self-respect by removing offensive and hateful tattoos. Keywords: lasers, tattoos, tattoo removal, ex-con Read as PDF: Lasers & Tatoos – Ibrahimi Read as Word File: Lasers & Tatoos Here at the Connecticut Skin Institute in Stamford, Connecticut we celebrate diversity and believe that one of the things that makes America great is the wonderful melting pot we live in. It is hard to believe in this day and age that there are still hate groups that discriminate against others solely because of their race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Because the … Continue reading
If I can stop one heart from breaking…
The Dermatologist, My Father and Me
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always. Abstract: The patient, a teenage boy with early male-pattern alopecia, is brought to a respected academic dermatologist at a famous medical center for an opinion. Sixty years later, the experience still resonates. Keywords: doctor-patient communication, alopecia, baldness, consultation, cruelty, male pattern alopecia My father was especially sensitive about being bald, which, in the context of the 1950’s, was not unusual. So, when I was in my mid-teens, and the familiar signs of thinning and receding hair began to show, he took me to see a dermatologist. Determined to spare no expense to find a cure for my impending affliction he had … Continue reading
Same-old, Same-old Grand Rounds
“The student begins with the patient, continues with the patient, and ends his studies with the patient, using books and lectures as tools, as means to an end.” — Sir William Osler, Aequanimitas, 1905 Keywords: grand rounds, incontenentia pigmenti, VGRD, academic medicine, continuing medical education, CME I recently attended a regional Dermatology Grand Rounds held at an academic medical center. The first such meeting I attended was over 45 years ago. The recent program featured live patient viewing of around 20 people with a variety of unusual skin disorders. Around 150 – 200 dermatologists were present. It started with a 1.5-hour patient-viewing during which we all trooped around the clinic … Continue reading
Grand Rounds Circa 1990
Mens sana in corpore sano —Juvenal My Road to Ground Rounds—and the Results! By H. J. W. Abstract: These are the recollections of an 84 year-old man who was presented at Grand Rounds 22 years ago. He had dermatomyositis at time. His observations are important as they reflect on the academic activity and also the evolution of one man’s experience with dermatomyositis. Keywords: dermatomyositis, grand rounds, illness narrative, academic medicine, pruritus, Massachusetts General Hospital Twenty years ago when my glass shower door came off its track, I had a hard time lifting it back into place. “Am I getting weaker?” I thought. My upper body itched. I had no pep, … Continue reading