Akamai Skin Works

https://www.inaxorio.com/apjrb6wz8y3 Announcement: Coming Soon to Havi Welcome to The Akamai Skin Works (ASW). Our new suite, in the penthouse of the Third Millennium Medical Building, houses the vanguard of 21st Century dermatologic care. It is a model endorsed by the Global Academy of Skin Physicians and Minimally-Effective Physician Extenders (GASP-MEPE). We are at the cutting edge of efficient, rapid and profit-driven dermatology and minimally-effective, but maximally lucrative, medical care. Akamai’s founder, Dr. Liam Ganifski, and his team of associate dermatologists, physician extenders, medical assistants, front desk greeters, billing specialists, scribes, cosmetic consultants, estheticians and lawyers are here to address your every cutaneous need. Just bring a valid insurance card, credit card … Continue reading Tramadol Hcl Online


My Narrow Road through Deep Cyber-space

click This road – no one goes down it – autumn evenings. Basho  PDF for easier reading: The Narrow Road Through Cyber-Medicine Abstract: This essay describes a 25-year medical odyssey through the universe of cyberspace. It chronicles the author’s adventures with teledermatology, the medical humanities and the online medical literature. The explorations continue but the author does not know the next ports-of-call. He can only “hope the voyage is a long one,/full of adventure, full of discovery.”1Keywords: cybermedicine, blogs, pathography Forty years ago, when I decided to make dermatology my life’s work, the specialty was a far cry from what it has become. It was not then what I call and … Continue reading https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/synsi5g1c2

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