Tyler Marion, B.S., M.B.A., Kevin Cao, B.S., Jorge Roman, M.D. Keywords: Skin stretching; Lip plates; Skin modification; lip stretching; beauty; Mursi. Skin stretching, as a form of body modification, has been used for centuries across many different cultures. Ear lobe stretching in particular dates back roughly to 1500 BC in ancient Egypt, Central America, and South America.1 The stretching of earlobes has been seen in many different tribes including the Aztecs, Mayans, and Asian Hill tribes. This form of skin stretching was even used by King Tutankhamen, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh.2 A unique variation of skin stretching can be observed in Africa amongst the Mursi, Chai, and Tirma tribes in the form … Continue reading
Category Archives: Jorge Roman
Why so serious?
Tyler Marion, B.S., M.B.A., Kevin Cao, B.S., Jorge Roman, M.D. Keywords: Chlorotrichosis; Pseudochromhidrosis; Copper toxicity; Green hair; Mercury, Contact dermatitis; Perioral erythema; Erethism; Joker. Notoriously known as Batman’s ultimate adversary, the Joker is considered as one of the most iconic villains in comic book history. He is easily recognized by his trademark green hair, bleached white skin, and cherry red lips; as well as his cynical smile. These traits have remained consistent through the many adaptations and portrayals of the character. Appearing in several films including the Batman (1989), The Dark Knight (2008), and Suicide Squad (2016), the villain’s famous features have a fascinating origin ripe for speculation. The most … Continue reading
Spirituality in Dermatology
by Jorge Ramon and David J. Elpern This article was published in the July 2017 Archives of Dermatology Excerpts: Spirituality is difficult to define, but a recent consensus conference defined it as the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose. Spirituality is understood by many as a means by which one copes with chronic or life threatening illnesses. While some people may not believe in a specific faith, many are interested in spirituality. Coming to grips with each individual patient’s spirituality requires a broad understanding of the person’s beliefs and values. Christina Puchalski’s FICA Spirituality History Tool1 can be a guide to … Continue reading
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose.
rose-moles all in stipple on trout that swim… G.M. Hopkins, Pied Beauty By Jorge Roman B.S. The vast array of plant life that inhabit this earth has proven to be a great muse for humanity. People have used the ample pool of imagery provided by plants to create gorgeous works of art and what is dermatology if not a visual art? The countless colors, textures, shapes, and sizes displayed by plants have been used by dermatologists as a source of inspiration for describing the skin and its pathology. Arborization is a ubiquitous term used to describe everything from the vessels of a basal cell carcinoma to the dendrites of melanocytes. … Continue reading