When Dad Lost Use of His Arms

When Dad Lost Use of His Armsby Scott LaMascus He wrote his jokes with nimble fingertips, keeping them pithy, all the better to surprise.  Even the flies think I’m already dead, he quipped.  We laughed as his eyes twinkled out from silence,   but I couldn’t tell what also lurked behind them, while I chased pests away with useless clown hands. What backbone and fierce humor Dad wielded as the fly circled and he eyed it like a Sphinx. Scott LaMascus is a writer in Oklahoma City whose first chapbook, The Edited Tongue (Bottlecap 2025), provides a medical memoir of his family’s experience with ALS. These lyric and varied poems arc from … Continue reading

In the House of Psychiatry, a Jarring Tale of Violence

Forcible restraints are routine events in American hospitals. One study, using 2017 data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, estimated the number of restraints per year in the U.S. at more than 44,000. The rate varied greatly from one country to the next. See: Epidemiology and Psychiatric Services G. Newton Howes. The use of mechanical restraint in Pacific Rim countries: an international epidemiological study. Published online by Cambridge University Press:  02 December 2020International rates of mechanical restraint in 2017 varied from 0.03 (New Zealand) to 98.8 (Japan) restraint events per million population per day, a variation greater than 3000-fold. Restraint in Australia (0.17 events per million) and the … Continue reading

Guarding the Rays: Use of an Educational Training to Enhance Sun Safety Practices Among Lifeguards

Madelyn Schmidt, BS1, Nina Martins, BS1, Diana Bonilla, BS1, Melissa Marchan, BS1, Sylvia Jimenez, BS1, Richard F. Wagner Jr., MD2 1John Sealy School of Medicine, Galveston, Texas 2University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Dermatology, Galveston, Texas 1John Sealy School of Medicine, Galveston, Texas 2University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Dermatology, Galveston, Texas Corresponding author: Madelyn Schmidt BS Email: mlschmid@utmb.edu Conflicts of interest disclosures: None Key words: Medical Education, Sun Safety, Sun Protection, Skin Cancer, Dermatology. Abstract: Madelyn Schmidt and her colleagues at the University of Texas Medical Branch’s Dermatology Interest Group (DID) with their mentor, Dr. Richard Wagner, worked with the Galveston Island Beach Patrol to educate lifeguards … Continue reading


by Evadne Giannini* and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. Job 1:16 There were times during the five years of remission that someone would ask me, How was I doing? Not knowing how to describe the depth of what was going on, I would tell them that I felt like a sprout in a glass of water swaying from a cool breeze from an open window or trying not to wither from a lack of water. Clearly, the sprout and I have no footing. If we both are lucky and can survive, we both will take on a new life. The sprout will be potted and eventually get … Continue reading


Rearranged An Opera Singer’s Facial Cancer and Life Transposed By Kathleen Watt,Heliotrope Books, New York 2023 by David J. Elpern, M.D. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen And waste its sweetness on the desert air. T. Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Would this not be the fate of Kathleen Watt’s riveting and important pathography. The topic is her decade-long odyssey of treatment for, and recovery from, osteogenic sarcoma of the jaw. As a physician, I have found that textbooks are of limited value. They are essential, but take one just … Continue reading

Miss Gee by W.H. Auden

I came across these lines in Kathleen Watt’s engrossing 2023 memoir, Rearranged “Doctor Thomas sat over his dinner, Though his wife was waiting to ring, Rolling his bread into pellets; Said, “Cancer’s a funny thing. “Nobody knows what the cause is, Though some pretend they do; It’s like some hidden assassin Waiting to strike at you. “Childless women get it. And men when they retire; It’s as if there had to be some outlet For their foiled creative fire.” His wife she rang for the servant, Said, “Don’t be so morbid, dear”; They are from the poem, Miss. Gee. The link has a fine audio-recording.Note: W.H. Auden’s father was a … Continue reading

Spirituality in Teledermatology

When it comes to eradicating pain, I turn to medicine. When it comes to dealing with pain. I look to the saintsImani Perry 2023 Spirituality in Teledermatology by Timothy Klufas BA,*New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY tklufas@student.nymc.edu Abstract: The psychosocial burden of cutaneous disease has been documented across a variety of dermatologic conditions. There are a number of methods to manage the non-physical impacts of dermatologic disease, with a notable one being spirituality.  Spiritual care, often provided by chaplains, is more readily available in inpatient environments. In the context of the wide-scale uptake of teledermatology as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to incorporate holistic elements of … Continue reading

The Skin I’m In

Dr. James Foong from Ipoh, Malaysia alerted us to this well-done video addressing how some patients view their psoriasis. Digging deeper, the consultant dermatologist listed in the credits, Dr. Sandy McBride, has lots of conflict of interests. This is taken from a recent article of McBride’s. Still, this is a fine video that will help some patients. It was ssupported by a grant from AbbVie (the company that makes Humira). Putting all if this into perspective, the video is still very worth watching,

Close Encounters Of The HS Kind

By Krista Elizabeth Hammaker* Encounter #1: An emaciated 30-year-old Black man, Cracks “Is this assisted living, or jail?” Post wide gluteal excision, anemic. A nursing home crisis, a pandemic. Diagnosis: Hidradenitis suppurativa.  En route to doctor, he asks for sativa. Pain found in hell’s conditions and terms. He said, “At least I’m finally headed to Derm.” His facility – the biggest dump in town. Government funded. No justice around. He’s all clean and ready for big medicine’s foolishness. No option for comfort but right lateral decubitus.   Reason for visit: Humira and wound inspection Care delivered: None (and little affection) “No Humira insurance, after a 7 month wait?” Care delivered: … Continue reading

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