
by Lina Alhanshali* You are standing in front of your mirror again Two minutes turned to five turned to ten You study and memorize the size and location Of each new bald patch Until one day it becomes easier to count the hairsYour scalp like a forest once full of lifeSlowly turned into an empty desert That to you was a landscape with potential You viewed your scalp like a canvas That some days you left blank Other days you adorned itWith wigs, bonnets, even henna tattoos Maybe this is where beauty and self-love meetMaybe the most beautiful parts of ourselves are the onesWe learned to embrace We in our … Continue reading


The Dermatologist, My Father and Me

To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.  Abstract:  The patient, a teenage boy with early male-pattern alopecia, is brought to a respected academic dermatologist at a famous medical center for an opinion.  Sixty years later, the experience still resonates. Keywords:  doctor-patient communication, alopecia, baldness, consultation, cruelty, male pattern alopecia My father was especially sensitive about being bald, which, in the context of the 1950’s, was not unusual.  So, when I was in my mid-teens, and the familiar signs of thinning and receding hair began to show, he took me to see a dermatologist. Determined to spare no expense to find a cure for my impending affliction he had … Continue reading


Chronic Telogen Effluvium?

Chronic Telogen Effluvium Hope never dies.  Having lived with chronic telogen effluvium for 14 years, I still find myself hopeful that  the current shedding that I am experiencing will be my last, that the new ¼ inch hairs that are now sprouting on my scalp will be the real thing – that they will live out the normal cycle of hair growth and shedding.  Yet, I know realistically that this is not what will happen.  I continually shed and grow hair, but the cycle is such that by the time new ¼-inch hairs reach a length of two inches, the old two inch hairs shed.  Consequently, my hair is always … Continue reading

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