ODEAR: Most-Favored Specialties

https://www.broommanufacturers.com/2024/01/31/l3em8uqbhwp Hi, Dr. Elpern, I am contacting you in hopes that you may be able to assist me in attaining my goal of gaining acceptance to a Dermatology residency, and also to see if you had any advice on how to shine during my dermatology rotations, or any contacts at my away school who may assist me in research opportunities such as case reports/letters. I receive emails like this with regularity.  In the 1960s when I was in medical school, dermatologists were at, or near, the bottom of the physician feeding chain.  Internists, with their haughty demeanor, were the self-proclaimed real brains of medicine and lorded it over most other practitioners.  Radiologists … Continue reading follow url

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