Patients see doctors with varying degrees of concern regarding their health. While some require tests or treatments, a subset has severe health anxiety and cannot be reassured by tests, procedures, or pharmaceuticals but may be helped, at least temporarily, by a sympathetic listening face and reassurance. Hence, we designed a questionnaire to investigate health anxiety in patients recruited from a general dermatology clinic. The study was reported in the International Journal of Dermatology and can be accessed at this pdf: Health Anxiety in Dermatology
Category Archives: Valencia Long
The French Connection
For S, to whom this article is dedicated by Valencia Long, MBBS Dermatology is graced by many French terms that resonate in everyday practice. Here are some examples, presented as a tribute to the great French teachers and pioneers of dermatology. May this note also serve as an expression of solidarity with the people of France in the aftermath of the recent terrorist attack in Paris, November 13, 2015. The term ‘plaque’ is an elevated, circumscribed lesion used to describe conditions such as psoriasis and sarcoidosis. It is also used in “parapsoriasis en plaque”, which may be considered related to patch stage mycosis fungoides. “Collarette” means small French collar and … Continue reading
Expressions of Emotion in Dermatology
by Valencia Long, MBBS and Leonard J. Hoenig, M.D. The whole gamut of human emotion has found its way into the dermatologic lexicon. A rash looks “angry” when it is inflamed. Other times, a dermatitis that oozes and exudes fluid is described as “weeping. Cosmetic dermatology often deals with “frown lines” that are furrows that form over one’s brow as the skin ages and which remind us of scowling, a facial expression of displeasure. “Laugh lines”, also called “smile lines”, occur along the nasolabial folds and with aging can grow in length and depth. Perhaps the most common emotion that is expressed in dermatology concerns love. Pain, and the most … Continue reading