Tossed Photographs

follow by Marla Lukofsky Today I attended the funeral of my friend and neighbor of 35 years, Ms. Enid. No one knew her exact age except for her best friend Ruby, another neighbor here at The Burnside, our six-storey art deco apartment building that we all lived in. Enid was distinguished and healthy, but dementia grabbed her sensibilities in her last year. Because she was single and had no family, she was sent to a nursing home far away from The Burnside and her friends, a good forty-minutes drive on the highway. Her death has had a huge impact on me. I miss her tremendously, of course, and her passing has … Continue reading

Kentucky Fried Marla

follow url It seems like I’m not the only one who isn’t going to take her keratosis pilaris, aka ‘chicken skin,’ diagnosis lying down. A light bulb went off when I saw this home-made video of a young woman and KP sufferer, who went to a hot climate for a brief vacation and her KP miraculously disappeared, just like mine did when I went to Los Angeles last summer. I think there’s something to this sun/heat thing. Something more than meets the eye. It meets the skin too.  I believe the strength and heat of the sun is penetrating the skin, opening up the pores and (to my mind), actually melting that … Continue reading Real Tramadol Online

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