Ode To The Skin Check

https://bxscco.com/wwig905oj6 by Phyllis Klein* For my dermatologist, Dr. E.G. Oh splendid skin, major organ unashamed,external, interweaving of warp and wefton loom of a body. Familiar with cancers,this skin, sensitive, too close to the sun, burned with ultraviolet ghosts of rays haunting its surface when adolescents on picnics at beaches wouldn’t be caught dead with umbrellas. Days of bare heads, before invention of sunscreen, days of baby-oil with iodine and sun reflecting foilsrecommended to increase the tan that never came. Only blisters, scales, pomegranate colored burns. Aloe lotions, Noxemas melting into scalded expanse. Do not forget meand what I have to say. Oh splendid skin check, dermatologist peeringinto skin’s finished fabric for … Continue reading https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/kc4nfqkf

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