Ode To The Skin Check

by Phyllis Klein* For my dermatologist, Dr. E.G. Oh splendid skin, major organ unashamed,external, interweaving of warp and wefton loom of a body. Familiar with cancers,this skin, sensitive, too close to the sun, burned with ultraviolet ghosts of rays haunting its surface when adolescents on picnics at beaches wouldn’t be caught dead with umbrellas. Days of bare heads, before invention of sunscreen, days of baby-oil with iodine and sun reflecting foilsrecommended to increase the tan that never came. Only blisters, scales, pomegranate colored burns. Aloe lotions, Noxemas melting into scalded expanse. Do not forget meand what I have to say. Oh splendid skin check, dermatologist peeringinto skin’s finished fabric for … Continue reading



a poem by Nat Mulkey* Sharp pain greets my shoulder My shoulder sighs, This again. Your hand has a flag, Of your country The IV at the center, poorly placed Covers it in blood. I wince, breathless Skin getting red and raw This one is bigger than the last Only halfway done. Near your ribs in calligraphy Names of your children Pulsating above your Nervous heart. Hours pass The outline is complete. Shading and color still to do Anticipation My hand trembles. A finger drags along your abdomen That is where they will cut And enter your body. Your hand reaches I needed this To stay, feel alive My voice … Continue reading


Can Doctors and Patients be Partners in Healthcare?

By James Channing Shaw, M.D. Trust in doctors. It used to be absolute. If our sick patients improved, we were celebrated. When we failed, families praised us for trying. This arrangement was not right, but no doctor went to any great lengths to change the perception. About three decades ago, the pendulum swung. Now doctoring is frequently viewed as market share, self-promotion, unnecessary procedures and testing. It would seem that professionalism has become obsolete. Patients, too, have changed with the times. Many patients would like to have every test, expect their health problems to be cured, fixed painlessly, no disruption to social calendars, easy parking, and why can’t this cancer be … Continue reading

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